AFD Daemon

The process afdd is a daemon that runs in the background and listens on port AFD_TCP_PORT and waits for requests. This daemon will only run when AFD_TCP_PORT is set in AFD_CONFIG. The following lists of commands are supported by afdd:

Command Description Example return code
LRF Print content of rename rule file.
211- Command successful

fiau_*   *

*-*-*-*-*   %*1/%*2/%*3/%*4/%*5
200 End of data
QUIT Terminate session.
221 Goodbye.
SSTAT This command should be issued at the start of a session. It will return a summary status report of all hosts when this command is invoked. For the duration of the connection it will activly report any changes that might occur.
211- AFD status summary:
IS 0 0 187109699 1558 0 0 0 0
211- AFD host list:
NH 3
HL 0 intern localhost
EL 0 0 0 0 0 0
HL 1 fss_
EL 1 0 0 0 0 0
HL 2 fiau localhost
EL 2 0 0 0 0 0
WD /home/afd/afd2
AV 1.3.0-pre14
MC 120
SR 397 ,,,,,
RH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0,!
SH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!000
TH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,
AM 1
FD 1
AW 1
STAT Prints statistic of what has been done since last command. A more detailed description of the return code follows below.
211- AFD status summary:
IS 0 0 278358 2 0 0 0 0

The meaning of the return code of the STAT and SSTAT commands is described in more details in the following table:

Parameter name Description Example
AM Status of AMG process. Possible values:
-3 Process has been stopped.
0 Not working.
1 Process is up and running.
19 Process is shutting down.
AM 1
AV Current AFD version.
AV 1.2.22
AW Status of archive_watch process. Possible values:
-3 Process has been stopped.
0 Not working.
1 Process is up and running.
19 Process is shutting down.
AW 1
EL A list of host that are in error status. Syntax is as follows:
EL <host_number> <error code 1> ... <error code n>
EL 14 1 3 3 3 3
FD Status of FD process. Possible values:
-3 Process has been stopped.
0 Not working.
1 Process is up and running.
19 Process is shutting down.
FD 1
HL Contains information about a certain host. If the AFD serves more then one host, SSTAT will return all host each being separated by a linefeed newline combination. Syntax is as follows:
HL <host_number> <host alias> <real hostname 1> [<real hostname 2>]
HL 24 ducktown
IS Interval summary, showing what has happened since the last call of STAT or SSTAT. It contains the following information in the given order:
  • Files to be send
  • Bytes to be send
  • Bytes send per second
  • Files send per second
  • Total number of errors
  • Number of error hosts
  • Number of active transfers
  • Jobs in queue
IS 0 0 262416988 351021024 0 0 0 0
MC NMaximum number of connections.
MC 200
NH Number of hosts.
NH 207
NJ Number of jobs configured.
NJ 1568
RH Receive log history. The values returned here will be binary with the following meaning:
Sign in log Binary value Meaning
<I> 12 Information
<W> 14 Warning
<E> 16 Error
RH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SH System log history. The values returned here will be binary with the following meaning:
Sign in log Binary value Meaning
<I> 12 Information
<C> 13 Configuration
<W> 14 Warning
<E> 16 Error
<F> 17 Fatal Error
SH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
TH Transfer log history. The values returned here will be binary with the following meaning:
Sign in log Binary value Meaning
<I> 12 Information
<W> 14 Warning
<E> 16 Error
TH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Copyright © 2005 by H.Kiehl
Last updated: 24.02.2005
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