Archive Watch

This process traverses through the archive directories and checks if the archive is old enough to be deleted. The process init_afd will automatically restart it when it terminates for whatever reason. When files are archived by the process sf_xxx, they are stored in the following directory structure (beginning at $AFD_WORK_DIR):

            |       |    |       |
            |       |    |       +-------> This unique directory name
            |       |    |                 is created when files are
            |       |    |                 being archived.
            |       |    +---------------> Due to the restriction that
            |       |                      some unix system allow for
            |       |                      only 1000 directories, sub-
            |       |                      directories starting with
            |       |                      zero are being created.
            |       +--------------------> Remote user name.
            +----------------------------> Remote host name.

The time when the archive should be deleted is in the archive name, which has the following format:

           |       |
           |       +-------> Job Identifier
           +---------------> time when archive should be
                             deleted. The format is unix
                             time in seconds.

Files stored in here have the following file name:

       ttttttttt_uuuu_ssss_<original file name>
           |      |    |          |
           |      |    |          +---> This is the original file name
           |      |    |                part as send to the destination.
           |      |    +--------------> Split job counter.
           |      +-------------------> A unique number.
           +--------------------------> Time when this file was picked
                                        up by the AMG.

Archive watch will walk through this directory structure every 10 minutes (ARCHIVE_STEP_TIME) and see if any archive has reached its deletion time. If you lower this value more archives ie. directories will be created. This has the disadvantage that there will be a high number of directories created and deleted again later.

Copyright © 1997 - 2005 by H.Kiehl
Last updated: 08.07.2005
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