AFD Statistics

The process afd_stat is started by init_afd at startup and continues running and collects statistics as long as AFD is up and running. Should afd_stat be killed or crashes, it will always be restarted by init_afd. afd_stat stores input and output statistics in binary form in the files $AFD_WORK_DIR/log/afd_istatistic_file.2006 and AFD_WORK_DIR/log/afd_statistic_file.2006 respectivly. Where the number 2006 is the current year of the system. For each new year afd_stat will create new input and output statistics files. So the old ones will not be deleted.

For the input statistic the database will hold the values: number of files received and the number of bytes received. The output statistic database holds the the number of files send, number of bytes send, the number of network connections and the number of errors that have occured. All those values are stored on a hourly, daily and year basis. Where the hour holds values in 5 second interval (that is 720 values per hour), the day holds 24 hours and the year 365 (or 366) days.

To view the binary statistic files there are two command line tools: show_istat (input) and show_stat (output). These tools will round the number of bytes send or received according the following table:

Value in bytes Symbol used Description
< 1024 B Bytes
< 1048576 KB Kiloytes
< 1073741824 MB Megaytes
< 1099511627776 GB Gigabytes
< 1125899906842624 TB Teraytes
< 1152921504606846976 PB Petabytes
< 1180591620717411303424 EB Exabytes

show_istat for input

The command line program show_istat can take the following parameters:

     SYNTAX  : show_istat [options] [dir 1 ....]
                -w <work dir> Working directory of the AFD.
                -f <name>     Path and name of the statistics file.
                -d [<x>]      Show information of all days [or day minus x].
                -D            Show total summary on a per day basis.
                -h [<x>]      Show information of all hours [or hour minus x].
                -H            Show total summary of last 24 hours.
                -mr <x>       Show summary of last x minutes.
                -m [<x>]      Show information of all minutes [or minute minus x].
                -M [<x>]      Show total summary of last hour.
                -t[u]         Put in a timestamp for when this output is valid.
                -T            Show numeric total only.
                -y [<x>]      Show information of all years [or year minus x].
                --version     Show current version.

To view the statistics for the last 24 hours use show_istat -H. This will produce the following output:

      =====================> AFD INPUT STATISTICS HOUR SUMMARY <======================
                       0:       38683    7.122 GB
                       1:       38010    5.971 GB
                       2:       39846   15.265 GB
                       3:       51699   16.554 GB
                       4:       50167   11.076 GB
                       5:       44145   11.729 GB
                       6:       49497    8.119 GB
                       7:       43490    7.714 GB
                       8:       43597    9.109 GB
                       9:       40149    8.006 GB
                      10:       40917    7.727 GB
                    * 11:       13506    2.694 GB
                      12:       42762    7.406 GB
                      13:       40858    7.475 GB
                      14:       42690   13.625 GB
                      15:       49791   17.974 GB
                      16:       48372   11.256 GB
                      17:       42495    9.069 GB
                      18:       42030    7.530 GB
                      19:       39005    6.339 GB
                      20:       39292    8.846 GB
                      21:       38308    7.345 GB
                      22:       35963    5.936 GB
                      23:       36549    6.964 GB
      Total                    991821  220.852 GB

The * is for the current hour. The meaning of this line is first the hour, then the number of files received and last the number of bytes received. Similar input statistics can be shown for the last 60 minutes (-M) and the last 365 days (-D).

To view for example the last 5 minutes use the parameter -mr 5:

      ===================> AFD INPUT STATISTICS LAST  5 MINUTE(S) <===================
      udokarte                      5  154.341 KB
      htmlget                       5   64.204 KB
      convert                       0        0 B
      afsv/bsh                      5      392 B
      fiau                          4  116.468 KB
      from_mrz                      4  821.982 KB
      from_ezmw                    24   11.708 MB
      to_ezmw                       4  265.736 KB
      intern/pcm                    5    2.191 KB
      intern/btx                    5   58.844 KB
      radar_out                     6   50.877 KB
      radar_in                      7   29.133 KB
      intern/fss                    3   99.533 KB
      to_mrz                        5  107.076 KB
      faxe                          8   48.798 KB
      faxe_scann                    6  793.331 KB
      faxe_gts                      4  347.163 KB
      fax_from_m                   59    5.619 MB
      to_radi                       2    7.243 KB
      dmi_out                       5   40.835 KB
      dmi_in                        5   72.292 KB
      to_awg                        2    2.702 MB
      meteocon                     24   21.590 KB
      oracle                        1   50.403 KB
      flora                         0        0 B
      ezmw-koeln                    2    1.983 MB
      mrz_test                     12   41.553 KB
      ftpsrv_dbu                    2  159.646 KB
      satbild                      17   13.636 MB
      mtso/bsh                      0        0 B
      Total                       231   38.923 MB

There are numerous other options like -T, which will only show numeric totals or -y to view statistics of a specific year. Best is to just try out the different options.

show_stat for output

There is a similar command line program show_stat for viewing output statistics that can take the following parameters:

     SYNTAX  : show_stat [options] [hostname 1 ....]
                -w <work dir> Working directory of the AFD.
                -f <name>     Path and name of the statistics file.
                -d [<x>]      Show information of all days [or day minus x].
                -D            Show total summary on a per day basis.
                -h [<x>]      Show information of all hours [or hour minus x].
                -H            Show total summary of last 24 hours.
                -mr <x>       Show summary of last x minutes.
                -m [<x>]      Show information of all minutes [or minute minus x].
                -M [<x>]      Show total summary of last hour.
                -t[u]         Put in a timestamp for when this output is valid.
                -T            Show numeric total only.
                -y [<x>]      Show information of all years [or year minus x].
                --version     Show current version.

To view the statistics for the last 24 hours use show_stat -H. This will produce the following output:

      ===================> AFD STATISTICS HOUR SUMMARY <=====================
                 0:        113287         11.544 GB         33540           4
                 1:        105755         10.745 GB         32251           1
                 2:        109139         38.407 GB         34606           0
                 3:        133681         47.903 GB         40739           9
                 4:        132335         25.909 GB         37306           4
                 5:        116371         25.616 GB         33842           0
                 6:        142094         17.311 GB         40874           9
                 7:        143611         15.484 GB         36655          19
                 8:        127261         21.114 GB         35567          11
                 9:        115035         16.239 GB         35219          15
                10:        108398         14.121 GB         32512          11
              * 11:         62083         12.538 GB         19518           6
                12:        129446         13.452 GB         39382           1
                13:        124388         13.669 GB         35814           4
                14:        120095         35.223 GB         35837           1
                15:        133685         51.705 GB         41959           6
                16:        128182         20.000 GB         36180          61
                17:        117654         22.180 GB         33008          61
                18:        122634         14.526 GB         38133          63
                19:        118937         12.928 GB         33448          61
                20:        107540         20.819 GB         31831          59
                21:        106720         15.741 GB         33294          61
                22:         98391         10.583 GB         29095          64
                23:        103690         16.029 GB         28719          30
      Total               2820412        503.786 GB        829329         561

Again the first number is the hour, followed by the number of files send, the number of bytes send, the number of connections and last the number of errors encountered. Similar output statistics can be shown for the last 60 minutes (-M) and the last 365 days (-D).

To view for example the last 5 minutes use the parameter -mr 5:

      =================> AFD STATISTICS LAST  5 MINUTE(S) <=================
      local                   97          7.838 MB             0           0
      fss_                    11          1.274 MB             4           0
      fiau                    15        967.436 KB             4           0
      fu_berli                 7          9.218 MB             1           0
      miraculi                 0              0 B              0           0
      mrz_mf                  12        573.523 KB             3           1
      uni-koel                 2          1.983 MB             1           0
      mfd                    213        496.871 KB             1           0
      ezmw                     4        265.736 KB             1           0
      esoc                     3        392.484 KB             1           0
      pcmet_                   5          2.191 KB             1           0
      btx                      5         58.844 KB             1           0
      radar-1                  6         50.877 KB             1           0
      faxe10                   1         74.512 KB             1           0
      radar-2                  6         50.877 KB             1           0
      faxe_                   90         20.077 MB             4           0
      ftp-serv                53         14.391 MB             2           0
      mfc                      2          7.243 KB             1           0
      dmi_                     5         40.835 KB             1           0
      awgeo_                   3        272.848 KB             1           0
      awgmrz                   2          2.702 MB             1           0
      oracle                   1         50.403 KB             1           0
      SMA                      0              0 B              0           0
      spse0                    5        154.341 KB             5           0
      informat                 5         64.204 KB             5           0
      SFTP                     0              0 B              0           0
      Total                  553         60.924 MB            42           1

Copyright © 2006 by H.Kiehl
Last updated: 06.08.2006
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